Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making, Inc.

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The Informed Medical Decisions Foundation, based in Boston, Massachusetts, has been working to advance evidence-based shared decision-making since 1989. In 2014 the organization merged with Healthwise, a global provider of health information, decision support tools, behavior change assistance and personal care planning for the top health plans, care management companies, hospitals and consumer health portals.

Shared decision-making is a collaborative process that allows patients and their providers to make health care decisions together, taking into account the best scientific evidence available, as well as the patient’s values and preferences. The foundation is committed to fostering greater understanding of the many benefits of shared decision-making and how to overcome barriers to successful implementation through research and evaluation.

Shared decision-making has received increased attention from health policymakers because of the potential to bridge health disparities and conserve utilization of surgical interventions. The foundation’s advocacy and policy efforts focus on promoting patient engagement in health care through regulatory, policy and quality initiatives, promoting the use of shared decision-making, patient education materials and care planning across the nation.


recent grants

Patient Care Aligning Incentives Conference


Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making, Inc.

  • date awarded

    Apr 2013

  • amount


  • term

    7 months


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